I didn’t think I was going to re-cap EVERY photo shoot, but it’s turning out to be an important part of the process for me. It gives me, dare I say it... “closure”. Sometimes I don’t sell a single photo from an outing. It’s true. Unbelievable right? You’re too kind. Doing the re-cap makes me feel somewhat satisfied... I’m still more a hobby photographer than a business photographer. I don’t shoot the U6’s anymore, unless someone real special is involved. There’s just too many dads with cameras, too much clumping and usually Shooting Stars has already squeezed the mommy wallets. As a matter of fact the Shooting Stars EZ Up was selling photos from the week before at this game. I watched a couple mommies walk away with sandwich baggies of photos, so I’m already in the hole on this one! One day I’ll get around to publishing “Sloppy’s vs. The Other Guys”.... but for now it’s a hobby, remember? I like working with Coach Denise and I’ve shot her two girls many times now, but never her son. He didn’t avoid the ball but he sure didn’t want it much either! I’m amazed I have a few to work with. There was plenty of other action though. It would really have helped if the grass wasn’t so long. These little legs couldn’t kick it more than three feet at a time. If it was Jean Woodard’s length, they would have been running a lot more, spreading out and allowing for better shots, (theirs AND mine!). Here’s a few on Facebook, and the Full Gallery of 130 photos. There's also a few extras from another visit, they're a little grainy from the gloom, but there aren't many. They're at the end. - Bryan
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