Since my son was playing in this tournament I brought along the camera and covered his team. During our down time I shot a few friends on other teams. Not a full blown shoot em up, because I watched as much as shot. This is where I really would have liked another lens. Hopefully I’ll get it soon. Teammates and Family sat right on the sidelines and the playing field was about the same size as a basketball court. The end result is a lot of the shots have the crowd in it, very close. Too close in most cases for the depth of field to blow them out. Some shots benefited with cool crowd reaction, but a lot of times they are a distraction. I had a few kids there that I have shot for years, and I’m always looking to get them again. I love adding to a kid’s “Sloppy Yearbook”. With every new uniform, you can also see changes in their faces and build. Pretty cool. I’m on a slideshow kick again, so I made one for this event. I’d love to do one for your Fall Soccer Team too, or a set of cards. Like usual, I posted some favorites on Facebook. - Bryan
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